Flannery O'Connor Portrait Zine

“Scale Highly Eccentric: A Zine of Flannery O’Connor Portraits” consisted of portraits by 14 artists using mediums from acrylic to cross stitch to custard. I coordinated the project and designed the zine, and also made a portrait out of flan.

Creative Loafing Atlanta, The Bitter Southerner, WABE and Southern Spaces had some nice things to say about the project. A portion of the profits benefitted the Flannery O’Connor – Andalusia Foundation, Inc.

Ashley Anderson | Rebecca Bowen | Jenifer Carter | Alvin Diec | Travis Ekmark | Christine Ernest | Brooke Hatfield | Yoonhwa Jang | Tori LaConsay | Elisabeth McNair | Dan Murdoch | Natalie Nelson | Emily Wallace | Lydia Walls


Conga parrot


The Eudora Welty Portrait Reader