The Eudora Welty Portrait Reader

A 48-page book featuring illustrations of Welty and words inspired by some of them. The Reader team was Brooke Hatfield, Kate Medley, and Emily Wallace, and profits supported the Eudora Welty House. The project was featured in Southern Living and the Bitter Southerner.

Ashley Anderson | Phil Blank | Rebecca Bowen | William Dunlap | Elizabeth Graeber | Molly Rose Freeman | Brooke Hatfield | Blair Hobbs | Tori LaConsay | Katie Lebel | Caroline Keys | Pearl McHaney | Natalie Minik | Kate Medley | Moonflower Design Studio | Dan Murdoch | Natalie K. Nelson | Topher Payne | Patrick Puckett | Laura Relyea | Ryan Sheffield | Laurin Stennis | Sara Tyson | Emily Wallace


Flannery O'Connor Portrait Zine


Cross stitching